The sleeping quarter, the living section, the main dining space, and the daily entrance have a direct relation to this sectional experience making it the heart of this design.
I believe there is a bigger chance that computers will have an indirect or direct relation to my future career.
Given Granada's temperate climate, we have sought a direct relation between the classrooms and the playground on the mountainside in order to foster the children's contact with nature.
Along the canal, pore water and fissure-karst water have a recharge-discharge re lation, while in south of the canal, canal water and fissure-karst water have no direct water power relation.
Negative ACTS are usual phenomena in Sanda, and there is a direct relation with Sanda (Sanshou) competition rules. negative ACTS have double effects.
Negative ACTS are usual phenomena in Sanda, and there is a direct relation with Sanda (Sanshou) competition rules. negative ACTS have double effects.