While some have criticized the program as a means for retailers to clear obsolete products, the clearing of inventories will eventually result in production increases.
Yet the combination of Europe's high wages and strong currency means that some of Airbus's production will have to move into countries where the currency is linked to the dollar.
They shall have the means and capability to guarantee the quality of both the product and the production.
In addition, prices of the means of production have continued to rise and real estate prices have risen steeply, making the task of holding down inflation difficult.
To build these solutions, Intalio needs a supply chain of components and they have chosen to use open source components and to take ownership in much of the means of production of those components.
Before 1978, there were 791 products belonging to means of production allocated according to state plans, but now only five of them remain, and the rest have entered the market.
Medicine produced by transgenic plants would have the potential to change the traditional means of production, and to reduce the cost of medicine production.
From the works included in the exhibition one discerns a more rigorous state of art on the artists, whose means of production and ideas have both entered a more meticulous logic system.
For the food which needs to be refrigerated (frozen) during the process of transport, the food production enterprise shall have the refrigerating (freezing) vehicles and means of transport.
The production means is the key for quality products, for this purpose, we have stepped into the every detail of the production process.
The production means is the key for quality products, for this purpose, we have stepped into the every detail of the production process.