The inside of the empty Hayden Planetarium dome.
The dome of the Hayden Planetarium, as seen in direct sunlight.
And the Cambodians have actually controlled the Hayden Planetarium from their high school.
Uh, Sheldon, I want you to meet Neil DeGrasse Tyson from the Hayden Planetarium in New York.
With Digital Universe, Emmart and the Hayden Planetarium can take viewers deep into space on interstellar missions.
The American Museum of Natural History's Hayden Planetarium hosted a discussion of the future of manned space flight on March 15th.
NASA supported this work 12 years ago as part of the rebuilding of the Hayden Planetarium so that we would share this with the world.
The Digital Universe Atlas project allows Emmart and others at the Hayden Planetarium, to incorporate data from specific places and times.
Here, we see a stunning image, projected on the inside of the Hayden Planetarium dome, of the International Space Station and Earth behind it.
This low-light image shows the inside of the Hayden Planetarium dome, with all its lights turned off, and only an image of the Earth displaying on the ceiling above.
"I group Pluto with the other icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt," said Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of New York City's Hayden Planetarium. "I think it's happier there, actually.
“我把冥王星与其他柯伊伯带冰态天体归为一类,”纽约海登天文馆的负责人Neil deGrasse Tyson说,“我认为它在那更合适,真的。
One day when I was about 11, walking back to Public School 87 in Manhattan after our class visit to the Hayden Planetarium, I became overwhelmed by a feeling I'd never had before.
One day when I was about 11, walking back to Public School 87 in Manhattan after our class visit to the Hayden Planetarium, I became overwhelmed by a feeling I'd never had before.