The differential head can be plotted for a number of different values of the gate opening.
Repent your sins, shave your head, cover your amply loins with sackcloth, sit at the temple gate and beg or drawn yourself in sarayu after praying for a cleaner life at least in the next birth. . .
It seemed a few weeks ago. He was standing at the gate, his peaked cap pushed back on his head and his hair tumbled forward over a face of bronze.
After driving in silence for a while, we pass through a gate and head uphill into pine woods.
And Mordecai came again to the king's gate. But Haman hasted to his house mourning, and having his head covered.
Quickly Lizette stuffed cotton in her ears; then, with the cloak over her head and looking mostly at her own feet, she followed the street through the city till she came to the north gate.
The angel of the Eastern Gate put his wings over his head to shield himself from the first drops.
In the morning, only one gate is open, through which parents head off to work and children go to school.
"We slowed down our car when we drove into the gate of the community, and they braked behind us. Then we were beaten, " said Yang, the wife, whose head was wrapped in gauze after the beating.
Keeping her cloak over her head, Lizette thanked the giants and asked the way to the gate to the north.
So you reluctantly leave it behind and head through the small gate into a new life.
The dislocated head of a baby doll stares blindly through the gate; WALL-E and Barbie Pet Doctor boxes are strewn across the yard.
掉下的玩偶头无神地盯着大门外;WALL - E和芭比宠物医生的盒子散满了院子。
The gardener answered, "Someone dressed in snow-white came from heaven and closed the head gate so the spirit could walk through the moat."
Today, as I walked away from the airport gate alone with my head held high and eyes beet red from crying, I knew at that moment what it meant to be a military wife.
Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate.
Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate.
Optinal Parts: Dragon Gate height, index head, cooling system.
A big canvas umbrella, stuck in the ground, keeps the sun off the hammock, in which a young lady is reading and making notes, her head towards the cottage and her feet towards the gate.
Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen.
Thee school gate in the flower beds, with a vibrant cycas, its branches and leaves is very much like a giant comb, it is very naughty, just use it to comb my hair, is sure to put your comb head.
Then she walked to the yard gate and stood. Then to the head of the lane.
The layout of upper head with lowering working gate of Three Gorges ship lift is studied.
"My son has refused to go to school ever since. He says every time he gets near the gate a voice asks him not to go. He always knocks his head into the wall, saying his brain is in a mess, " Lu said.
It is shown that the relationship exists among the location of the flaring gate piers, the Froude number at the section of starting flare, the weir head, the head loss and the gate width.
The gate length and the dimension of the gate head can be controlled in the T-shaped gate processing, and good process controllability and high yield can be achieved.
Along with the rapid exploitation of water power resource in west of the country, more and more mid or low-head flood gate dam hinges are appearing.
The simple well head assembly newly developed is comprised of protection flange, pup joint, clip, gate valve, tee joint and anti-vibration pressure meter.
Vibration of low-head radial gate is a very complex that has become a hidden problem affecting the safety operation of water project.
Vibration of low-head radial gate is a very complex that has become a hidden problem affecting the safety operation of water project.