The Canadian Police is heading up the $900 million security operation, the largest in Canada's history.
That heading becomes the title of the section, and everything up to the third heading is included in that section.
If you run your team as if they were self-leading, but in reality they're chaos, then before long you'll be heading up a certain creek without a paddle.
Liza - "Frank started up, but I knew where he was heading."
In some ways it reflects the way that international negotiations have been heading, though their new "bottom up" direction was reached more by default than by strategy.
With Japanese interest rates now heading up as well, such investors may have to think of a new game.
Many, if not most, of the laws now heading toward passage are destined to wind up in court.
We started in the gallery forest collecting ants before heading up to the plateau.
He loves bundling himself up, heading out in the cold, and moving snow around - can you even imagine someone who sings when running their snowblower?
It is, of course, frightening in a way to have a corporation heading up the effort to digitize the world's stores of data.
A third volunteer walked at night by the light of the moon. When it was obscured by clouds, he made several turns and ended up heading in the direction he came from.
My husband filled up the pool with warm water before heading out.
As the cutbacks spread from finance and real estate to sectors such as tourism, media and retail, many are packing up and heading home.
As the new guy heading up the Boston transit system's efforts to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Talbot learned the hard way that he had a tough ride ahead.
The oil price is 1.5 times higher than it was in 2007, the peak of general optimism?; inflation is heading down; employment is up and consumption is robust.
I tried to determine where they were heading, took a chance, and set up my camera.
Mary Colvig is heading up an exciting new project that aims to harness the amazing energy and skills of the Mozilla community to help organizations and individuals in need.
Mary Colvig正在推动一项非常激动人心的新项目。该项目旨在集中Mozilla社区中所有惊人的能量和技能来帮助需要的个人和组织。
Reliable southerly winds from October to April provided easy passage for ships coming from the west and heading up the China coast towards Japan.
Heading up the design team was Smith J. DE France, an engineer for NASA's predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).
We are heading up specialized clinics in such areas as diabetes, mental health and rheumatology.
After heading up an important sales team at Alibaba. com, the firms business-to-business marketplace, he launched Alipay, its payment-systems platform, now the worlds largest.
He created a number of native teams within the rocket-space complex, heading up the manned spacecraft and heavy launch vehicle development group himself.
The editor was heading up the title for the evening newspaper.
The editor was heading up the title for the evening newspaper.