It also significantly decreased the heat rate in the RWIS rats.
The results show that as heat rate increases, he specific heat of glass with higher energy.
The differences of the heat rate before, during and after the operation were nonsignificant.
Heat rate of steam turbine is an important factor to influence the economy of the power plant.
How to evaluate the heat rate of steam turbine is regard as a focus during purchasing equipment.
The efficiency, test heat rate, continuous running time and so on, set a new record of domestic large capacity unit.
The concept of heat threshold is brought forward for the melting process of radioactive source with constant heat rate.
With the slow of heat rate, prolong of soaking time and enhanced sintered temperature, the maximum transmittance was increased.
5 technical parameters: visible light transmittance, reflectance of visible light, heat rate, UV blocking rate is now commonly used car performance index.
At present heat rate calculate of the double back pressure turbine is according to single back pressure turbine, which brings deviation of heat rate calculate.
Adopting the definition of indicated relative internal efficiency, the concept of equivalent condition curve was proposed and corresponding turbine heat rate model was derived.
This method is used to evaluate the demonstration case in ASME PTC6-1996, the combined standard uncertainty of turbine heat rate obtained is close to results giving in the standard.
This blade can be used to produce counter pressure gradient at cascade passage end, reduce secondary flow loss, increase the efficiency of IP casing consequently, and improve the heat rate of units.
Although you can charge them at the highest rate, the remaining energy still runs out as heat.
As wind speed increases, so does turbulence, and thus the rate of heat and moisture transfer.
You can charge them at maximum rate and the rest of the energy goes out as heat.
In one of the examples provided in, an earbud could include infrared photodetectors that would measure the user's body temperature, heat flux and heart rate.
This captures the heat pattern of blood vessels near the skin, betraying both changes in overall temperature and in heart rate.
The rate at which repiration heat is generated also varies with the temperature of the product.
This captures the heat pattern of blood vessels near the skin, betraying both changes in overall temperature and in heart rate.
Those bubbles arise because the thin sticker film expands at a different rate than the window glass when they both heat up.
The 3 megajoule device is the first large scale module capable of storing heat at a high rate as required for DEW.
In the case of severe heat stroke, heart rate and respiration rate will increase as blood pressure drops and the heart attempts to supply enough oxygen to the body.
So for carbohydrate food for, how absorption rate is the most important factor, and not heat itself.
Pepper contains capsaicin can let body heat, accelerate progress bring forth the new through the old, heat consumption rate.
A piece of metal left in the sun rises in temperature until it loses heat at the same rate while it absorbs heat.
In the case of same injected heat and steam injected time, high steam quality can improve development rate and economical benefit.
Features: small volume, light, easy to use, broad filtering area, low block rate, high filtering speed, no pollution, good heat stability and chemical stability.
A piece of metal left in the sun rises in temperature until it loses heat at the same rate at while it absorbs heat.
A piece of metal left in the sun rises in temperature until it loses heat at the same rate at while it absorbs heat.