However, because deuterium, in so-called "Heavy-Water," is used to moderate neutrons in some nuclear reactor designs, it is separated from regular water on a large scale.
Heavy water is heavy because the hydrogen in it weighs twice as much as ordinary hydrogen (it has a proton and a neutron in its nucleus, instead of just a proton).
Smoke lay heavy on the far side of the water.
Heavy water gets its name because it contains deuterium, a form of hydrogen that has a neutron in its nucleus as well as the usual proton and thus weighs twice as much as the ordinary sort.
In addition to the daily burden of carrying heavy water loads, they run the risk of being physically assaulted when seeking water.
While explaining stress management to an audience, the lecturer raised a glass of water and asked ’How heavy is this glass of water?
But Sunday brought a downpour so heavy that high water covered the road leading into Crawford.
Moon rocks show that lunar water has more heavy hydrogen than does terrestrial water, indicating a cometary origin.
Even happier is their neighbour Oum Sok ha, who specialises in recycling glass jars and bottles and so is a heavy water-user. Her daily profit has increased by 2,000 riels.
Even happier is their neighbour Oum Sok ha, who specialises in recycling glass jars and bottles and so is a heavy water-user. Her daily profit has increased by 2, 000 riels.
Sick of holding your heavy water bottle while you go on hikes in the desert?
The moon's low gravity also means that water composed of regular hydrogen and oxygen will escape quicker than heavy water, perhaps leading to a concentration of deuterium in the water of the moon.
When the collected water becomes heavy enough, the water droplet falls to the earth as rain.
Transportation costs also are a major factor in food prices, especially for water-heavy vegetables such as romaine lettuce.
And we cannot remotely see what is happening at [a] heavy water facility under construction at Arak, and whether that is being used for peaceful purposes.
How heavy is this water melon?
The day we visted, officers were talking about an incident that had occurred just that morning: a heavy water-bag had been dropped from the fifth tier of the cellblock down onto another inmate.
In July parts of the main shopping district were under water after heavy rainfalls.
Meanwhile in May 2009, the Chalk River reactor started leaking heavy water and was again shut down.
Natural sinkholes generally form when heavy, water-saturated soil causes the roof of an underground limestone cavity to collapse, or when water widens a natural fracture in limestone bedrock.
Lubricating grease: General grease or heavy water grease used for pump.
The application of plate heat exchanger in heavy water system gives good experience for future research reactor design.
Several weeks ago, Iran announced it had invited a number of nations to tour the uranium enrichment facility near Natanz, and the heavy water facility near Arak.
The results showed that the cause of renal failure only occupied 23.0% , and those of too heavy water load, pneumonedema, hyperkalemia and severe metabolic acid - base imbalance occupied 66. 2%.
Under the normal condition use general lubricating grease, you had best use heavy water lubricating grease for pump if too much leakage loss.
Under the normal condition use general lubricating grease, you had best use heavy water lubricating grease for pump if too much leakage loss.