The heliopause was expected to be a rather sharp boundary between the sun's domain and interstellar space.
Many astronomers think that the limit of the heliosphere, known as the heliopause, is about 9 billion miles (15 billion kilometers) from the sun.
Still operational, both Voyagers are headed towards the outer boundary of the solar system, in search of the heliopause and the beginning of interstellar space.
It's now 17 billion kilometers from Earth. And it should be close to the heliopause, where the plasma flowing outward from the sun no longer holds back the interstellar winds.
In 1999, the Light forces started constructing a Light barrier at the heliopause with the intention of containing darkness infection inside our Solar System and then later clearing it.
In 1999, the Light forces started constructing a Light barrier at the heliopause with the intention of containing darkness infection inside our Solar System and then later clearing it.