All the advisers listen to people and help them solve their problems.
This offers a way to analyze your own network and hopefully gain valuable insights into how you can help them solve their problems or fill their needs.
And we are working with our partner countries to help them obtain the tools and capacity that they need to solve their own problems and contribute to solving the world's Shared problems.
As such they don't care about Agile, they only care about things that will help them solve their current problems.
The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program offers graduates a chance to continue their studies. The aim is to help them learn ways to solve problems in their own countries.
Their stories must be told if we want to solve difficult social problems and help those who suffer from them.
The Ford foundation International Fellowships program offers graduates a chance to continue their studies. The aim is to help them learn ways to solve problems in their own countries.
In teaching Engineering Charting. we should help students find problems and solve them by means of various thinking mode and especially cultivate their ability to think in terms of images.
Next time when I meet the foreigners in company face-to-face, I thought I would be supposed to be self-confident, I will help them to solve their problems without bothering the translator.
Feng said employers should communicate with their post-1990 employees regularly and provide counseling to help them solve problems.
Their stories must be told if we want to solve difficult social problems and help those who suffer from them.
We hope that our project would not only help people to solve their financial problems but the more important is to make them establish the green lifestyle!
We hope that our project would not only help people to solve their financial problems but the more important is to make them establish the green lifestyle!