My father is here to open an account.
If your computer can't open this file click here to open a help file.
Symbol of American culture Disneyland souvenir shops and McDonald's is here to open a long time.
At this moment, we are gathering here to open a grand global Expo beside the beautiful HuangpuRiver.
We operate an open-door policy here, and are always willing to listen to our students' suggestions.
The museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., so you can enjoy yourself here for either a few minutes or a few hours.
He heard them talking, as they did every morning, about the autorickshaws they were going to buy once they got out of here, or the small tea shops they were going to open.
The first simple script here will open a database connection and confirm that with a message to the browser.
I never did find the stable boy, but what I saw instead convinced me that a single breach here and Rome would open up as easily as a wife’s legs to her handsome neighbor.
Owing to the large increase in the volume of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with Mr. Wang Lo as manager.
From here, I can navigate to my applications and open them, browse my documents, use an iTunes remote, even navigate around the screen and run command lines-all from my iPhone.
Code Gallery has been chosen as the open forum to discuss new Visual Studio features, and the project is available here.
I'm going to open up a program called positive1.c. I'm going to scroll down to the juicy part here.
我将要打开一个叫做positive1, c的程序,我们翻到这个有趣的部分。
Indeed, Microsoft's reaction to the entire Open Kinect kerfuffle seems to be: Nothing to see here.
Now open php.ini and edit the line "doc_root" to point to your Apache document root. Here is an example entry.
现在,打开php . ini,并编辑“doc_root”行以指向Apache文档根目录。
Also, for those of you who plan on filling out your bookshelves with some of these, here is a handy chart on how to open a new book.
The open-style kitchen here allows customers to see the whole cooking process.
Here is a man who is almost killing himself to get open source into the hands of people who could benefit, someone who has selflessly and tirelessly given, and who finds himself in need of a hand.
And you got this belt buckle and it just says you know I'm here I'm ready to open my heart out and my mom's bedroom.
We are here not just to seek convergence and cooperation, but also to establish a new relationship and open a new chapter.
There are many strategies to help “open up” and be able to talk more freely while in psychotherapy. Here are a few.
There are many strategies to help “open up” and be able to talk more freely while in psychotherapy. Here are a few.