The main usability evaluation methods include heuristic evaluation, usability testing, cognitive walk-through and action analysis.
It is difficult to get good severity estimates from the evaluators during a heuristic evaluation session when they are more focused on finding new usability problems.
With ai searching strategy, we develop a heuristic algorithm "segment and evaluation" and apply it successfully to large scale computer aided partitioning.
Through full simulation, studying and analysis of the characteristics of simple heuristic scheduling rules, I make sure each rule's influence degree for different evaluation measures.
A heuristic algorithm based on evaluation function for UIO sequence generation is proposed, this algorithm can efficiently generate UIO sequence.
The layout of each sequence is fixed by heuristic location algorithm, and then evaluates it by fitness evaluation function, to ensure the good sequence can be preserved in the evolutionary process.
The layout of each sequence is fixed by heuristic location algorithm, and then evaluates it by fitness evaluation function, to ensure the good sequence can be preserved in the evolutionary process.