It is helping staff to pay for high-bandwidth connections instead.
Thus, thousands of these devices can be built side-by-side with silicon transistors for high-bandwidth on-chip optical communications.
Even though all teams were given up-front planning time, the value of high-bandwidth communication for adjusting the plan on the fly was striking.
A combination of sophisticated software, powerful microprocessors, wireless technology and high-bandwidth connectivity is starting to make that a reality.
MAN must possess large capacity, high-bandwidth, multi-service and high reliability to achieve broadband IP service suppont capabilites on backbone layer.
Experimental results show that the proposed scheme can make full use of the high-bandwidth provided by MIMO systems with low redundancy and high flexibility.
This strategy works best for high-bandwidth network connections; the delay in starting the application may be unacceptably long over low-bandwidth connections.
It links military X and networks with commercial Ku band networks to enhance overall bandwidth capacity and provide network-centric, high-bandwidth capabilities to U.S. forces.
The wideband system, with its first satellite launched in October 2007, increases the high-bandwidth communications capacity available to support U.S. military operations worldwide.
The summit of Mons Malapert, according to our calculations, always has the Earth and Shackleton Crater (at the lunar south pole ) in view for direct and continuous high-bandwidth communication.
The new rules also open the door for providers to charge customers more for using high-bandwidth services such as downloading or streaming videos on YouTube or online movie rental site Netflix.
It is similar to high bandwidth Ethernet connection, supporting multiple protocols and is used for communication between partitions.
This can impose a requirement for high bandwidth to accommodate frequent and large data calls to the cloud server. Advantage: desktop.
The hope is that the high bandwidth and fierce competition between the three cables will slash costs and help create new business.
The physical world is very high bandwidth, and some of the ways cities send you messages are quite subtle.
The contracts will permit raised production rates of new ground stations for very high bandwidth and medium bandwidth transmission, and upgrade an overseas site for handling Syracuse traffic.
As a result, people urgently need a communication and control platform which is of high availability and high bandwidth.
In UDT we have a unique approach to address the problem of transfer large volumetric data sets over high bandwidth-delay product (BDP) networks.
Traditional methods have some performance bottlenecks so that they are not applicable in high bandwidth and large traffic environment.
The voice coil motor (VCM) in high bandwidth actuator assembly has special voice coil construction and magnet arrangement.
Free Space Optics (FSO) has become a viable, high bandwidth wireless alternative to fiber optic cabling.
However, this type of system requires very high bandwidth networks like ATM connecting locations and offices.
Because of the high bandwidth demands of multimedia date, the transmission of raw data collected at sensor nodes will consume a large amount of resources.
Give an example of a network that exhibits high bandwidth and high latency.
The key objective of RPR is to achieve high bandwidth utilization, optimum spatial reuse and fairness simultaneously.
Critics of the research argue that the results are less significant when applied to people who are accessing the web with high bandwidth connections.
If you are not aware, it is a replacement for previous CardBus that is being integrated as part of the high bandwidth interfaces in today's laptop architecture.
A voice coil motor drives the fine stage, which has high bandwidth with a small stroke.
Some problems in realizing the "high bandwidth, low latency" of interconnection system are solved to increase the interconnection communication ability and efficiency.
Moreover, GPON can support new Ethernet service with high bandwidth and provide traditional voice service.