It is mainly exhibited as in the high bandwidth network environment, the current protocol algorithms can't guarantee nicer service quality of low packet loss rate, RTT and dithering of RTT.
When planning for high volume sites, planners must consider the impact of invalidation traffic on network bandwidth and plan accordingly.
A high setting for audio frames per packet reduces network bandwidth usage, but increases the chances of audio problems attributed to network packet loss.
Manage branch servers that are geographically dispersed and reachable only through a low bandwidth, high latency network.
P2P plays a role in enabling high performance computing. Sharing of resources like computation power, network bandwidth, and disk space will benefit from P2P.
而P 2 P因为在实现高性能计算中帮助系统分享比如计算力,网络带宽和磁盘空间这样的资源而扮演重要角色。
It links military X and networks with commercial Ku band networks to enhance overall bandwidth capacity and provide network-centric, high-bandwidth capabilities to U.S. forces.
How do you manage base nodes or network Deployment cells that are geographically diverse, and connected possibly through a high latency, low bandwidth network?
如何管理地理位置分散,并且可能通过高延迟、低带宽网络连接的基本节点或Network Deployment单元?
Flow control and bandwidth allocation for VBR traffic on high speed network are also very important research directions.
Give an example of a network that exhibits high bandwidth and high latency.
With the increase of network bandwidth, high performance protocol processing has shown its importance in network systems.
One method of economically obtaining the high bandwidth of network is link aggregation.
An is designed without sacrificing performance of network hardware, so it can support high bandwidth and low latency communication.
Original video data must be compressed for transmission in wireless network because of its high bandwidth.
It requires a mass of transmission of audio and video which take high bandwidth, such as video on demand, network meetings.
Because the multicast technique can alleviate the bottleneck of the network, it was used extensively in the high bandwidth applications.
The mobile streaming media application is an application of high data bandwidth which is the most valuable new service among the 3g network based services.
In order to efficiently exploit high performance network, researchers have developed many user-level protocols, which can achieve high bandwidth and low latency the bottom hardware supplies.
The SPF routing mechanism in traditional IP network meets some difficulties when guaranteeing the bandwidth constraint of high -bandwidth traffic and providing load balancing.
The wireless office land network transmits the bandwidth high, the transmission speed is fast;
Compared with a centralized structure, the distributed structure has several advantages including high speed, efficient usage of network bandwidth, less security problems, etc.
The conventional TCP protocol leads to very low network efficiency in high bandwidth-delay-product networks.
We can meet the users' needs on high-speed operations, improving the access bandwidth, and fulfilling the purpose of network upgrade through these models and broadband access methods.
The invention promotes estimation accuracy for link bandwidth of large time delay high error code rate satellite network.
It combines the advantage of PON technology and Ethernet technology. With its feature of high bandwidth, low cost and being used and updated easily, EPON is the best solution for access network.
As high speed optical transmission technology and intelligent optical networking technology gradually become mature, modern communication network is developing toward high speed and broad bandwidth.
As the fiber has the advantages of broad bandwidth, huge capability, powerful resisting jam ability etc, it is very suitable to be the transport media of high-speed broadband network.
For example, you could note high and low bandwidth-utilization times for your network to ensure that systems processes such as backups don't interfere with user activities.
This strategy works best for high-bandwidth network connections; the delay in starting the application may be unacceptably long over low-bandwidth connections.
Because of the changing bandwidth, heterogeneous terminals and high packet loss rate, the wireless networks put forward new requirement for the design of network architectures and protocols.
CEIS can be regarded as an information network integrating high bandwidth communication, high precision detective guidance and high reliable identification altogether.