We increased export rebate rates for textiles, garments and other labor-intensive products, as well as high value added products with high technology content four times.
On the technical, amplification systems supplication with high technology content, reliability.
Company products of high technology content and were enough to customers in the foreseeable future to maintain a high profit margin.
Because FCS 'technology content is very high, also various factories' software and hardware system is various, users usually need factory technical support.
Our future must be of high technology content.
Secondly, audit services possess the characteristic of high content of knowledge and technology monopolization.
The paper compares the Lurgi synthesis gas purification technology with that of Linde, in which the cycling solvent methanol has a high water content and consumes considerably.
So, it is necessary to explore paper tube adhesive with high addition and high content of technology, particularly, with big market.
Methods: Using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to assaying the content of eugenol in volatile oil, the best extracting technology was selected.
The technology content is not high, the core technology grasps by the brand output country monopoly.
Imaging guide is accurate guide technology based on high technology, the intelligent tracking is an important content of imaging guide.
Each district is in deepness development, it is the content of science and technology such as domestication pisciculture high advanced and practical technology gets bedding face accumulates promotion.
"Yin Bao Tong" is an insurance agency product created by CCB with high technology content for wide policy holders.
Do carpenter while he and engraved, engraved "beacon", a high technology content, he received remuneration naturally higher.
The proper process and technology parameters of high carbon content cold bonded pellets were studied. The metallurgical properties of the pellets were determined.
It is difficult to use conventional concentration technology to treat lean magnetite ore which has a low iron content, due to high cost.
Tertiary oil recovery has become a dominant technology for improving oil recovery in Shengli oil field after the main oil fields turn into high water content stage.
Relying on the rich mining resources and advanced technological equipment, high value added and high technology content products in BX STEEL have accounted for 80% of the total amount of production.
Forestry high-tech enterprise not only shows the trend of ecology and society, but also appears thecharacteristic of high technology content and many excellent professional in new period.
FM radio has the advantages of high sensitivity, stable work, good selectivity and low degree of distortion etc... With high technology content and high quality has been widely welcomed.
Increase technology content in drug products, achieve localization of high-end drug products and export into oversea market.
A basic content of digital image processing is image zooming, namely an image processing technology obtaining a high resolution image from a low resolution image.
The results show that P/M valve seats using this technology has high density and high carbon content , and their microstructure are martensite , bainite and network carbide.
A novel technology of soda-lead concentrates reverberatory furnace smelting is put forward according to the characteristics of copper dross with low sulfur and high copper content.
Because of limits of design and technology, the CO content in most manufactured gas is very high and exceeds GB standard.
This paper introduces how to make up fiber cotton with high content fly ash and the technology of processing new serial building materials with high added value and more function.
In this paper, the direction, principle and content of adjustment and existing problem about China high-new technology industry policy were discussed under the background of entering the society.
To create higher value-added, it is necessary to improve the Coconut production technology content, high-standard processing.
To create higher value-added, it is necessary to improve the Coconut production technology content, high-standard processing.