Be sure the RED reset button (High Limit Control) is properly set: push in firmly to reset.
The high limit control can be reset by firmly pushing in the red reset button located on the thermostat .
The following procedures must be performed when changing the temperature of the stored water or resetting the high limit control.
This water heater is equipped with one or more adjustable temperature regulating thermostats and a manual reset high limit control.
Use the diagnostic control chart on page14to help determine the cause of the high limit shut-off.
Test result in many times indicated that the detection value was all in the control limit. The relative standard deviation was 0 . 7% with high accuracy .
通过对标准样品的多次测定,测定值均在其保证值范围内,相对标准差为0 7%,准确度高,精密度好。
When the traffic demand is too high that ramp metering is not effective anymore, the variable speed limit control is needed to relieve the congestion.
The simulation model of high voltage induction motors soft starting control is created by MATLAB. The soft starting control model of the current-limit start and the voltage-slope start are simulated.
Try and limit how often you eat high-fat foods. One trick to portion24 control is to make a tight fist. Don't eat anything larger than that.
Although pitch control is used primarily to limit power in high winds, it also has a significant effect on various loads.
Although pitch control is used primarily to limit power in high winds, it also has a significant effect on various loads.