They will grapple with the growing burdens of an aging society, rising health care costs and high energy prices.
Average wages have stagnated since 2001 because of high energy prices, rising health-care costs and widening inequality.
In the 1970s, just as in recent years, high prices for fossil fuels led to rising interest in renewables.
But high grain prices may have encouraged this more than the subsidies, which have been largely offset by the rising cost of fuel, fertiliser and other materials.
New jobs, rising consumer confidence (which is at a five-year high) and, in some countries, surging house prices (see article) should encourage households to open their wallets.
The rising prices there, mean high prices here.
The price hike has been widely attributed to higher demand due to several reasons, including unstable international politics, high energy prices and the prospect of rising inflation.
High cost of land is the main reason for rising house prices.
In raw material prices rising today, with the Bayan Obo ore Steel Group Baoshan Iron and Steel Group is undoubtedly the integration of high value.
Gold is up 11% this year, and wagers on rising prices are at a four-month high in the futures market.
Senior high pressure boiler tube expert analyzes believed that for future tight supplies aggravate the expected, is to promote currently ore spot prices rising important reasons.
The FAO predicts that world market prices for rice, wheat, barley, sugar and meat will stay high or continue rising.
The blue paper also warns of continued high prices for property prices in some cities due to heavy demand, rising costs and supply shortage.
High unemployment and rising gasoline prices slowed the U. s. economic recovery earlier in the year. Gas prices have moderated lately, leaving a bit more cash in consumers' pockets.
Our prices are rising too quickly, and high production costs are the main culprit.
On the other hand, the prices of the agricultural products are rising at an extremely high speed.
First, the rising debt, lack of income and high house prices give the young generation great pressure, most of them can't afford these, and have to live with their parents.
Analysts believe that the move to further cage liquidity in the market, control of rising prices, ease monetary factors of high inflation pressures.
You had stagnation in the economy, high level of unemployment. You had inflation, with prices rising rapidly.
I would say that because we have such a high equity premium, the upside of equity prices rising is very significant.
Commodity prices are too high, rising too quickly, it is necessary to increase the limit item housing, affordable housing Louis Vuitton public rental housing supply.
For ordinary citizens meanwhile the steep prices for high-speed train tickets have touched China's raw nerve of rising income inequality.
Rising commodity prices are not the only worry. The labour market is weak, with continuing jobless claims at a cyclical high.
Rising commodity prices are not the only worry. The labour market is weak, with continuing jobless claims at a cyclical high.