But the high tuition fees deprive their rights of education.
Thousands of students took to the streets to protest high tuition fees.
The worrying thing is not only the high tuition fees but the low salary expectations.
"The worrying thing is not only the high tuition fees but the low salary expectations," he added.
In the second place, the high tuition fees will deprive the children from poor families of their right of education.
In addition, Sino-foreign cooperative education school two proprietary professional, high tuition fees, you can choose.
With high tuition fees, the poorest students are priced out of gaining a higher education, when they may have the necessary skills required.
Recently, there has been a heated debate about whether universities should charge high tuition fees.
There has also been some discussion at Stanford about whether making the courses freely available would prove to be a threat to the university, which charges high fees for tuition.
High college tuition fees are a hot topic in the capital of South Korea.
A lot of money goes into these schools and the programs are usually of a high quality, yet the tuition fees are often more than the average person can afford.
While scholarships are available to most children from poor families, private school tuition fees can still be prohibitively high.
In addition, high living expenses and tuition fees will become a heavy burden upon their parents.
Successful applicants will receive 50% off their tuition fees for the entire study period in the high school program.
泰勒学院(悉尼,墨尔本校区)全面开展优秀学生奖学金计划!成功申请者,将获得整个高中阶段学费50% 的奖学金。
Successful applicants will receive 50% off their tuition fees for the entire study period in the high school program.
泰勒学院(悉尼,墨尔本校区)全面开展优秀学生奖学金计划!成功申请者,将获得整个高中阶段学费50% 的奖学金。