The highest-priority task (nice of -20) received ~120 billion ticks, while the lowest-priority task (nice of 19) received 21 million ticks.
最高优先级任务(精细值为 -20)收到大概 1200 亿个时钟节拍,而最低优先级任务(精细值为19)接收到21,000,000 个时钟节拍。
The priority-inheritance protocol assures that a task that owns a resource executes at the priority of the highest-priority task blocked on that resource.
The time between the arrival of the interrupt and dispatching of the required task (assuming it's the highest-priority task to dispatch) is called the response time.
When something obstructs progress on their highest-priority task, they should seamlessly move on to the task with the next highest priority, then return to first one later.
The defect task becomes the highest priority task for the team.
In some cases selecting the task is looked at as a wasted step, since the person might need to always select the newest task, highest priority, or by some other sorting method.
The array indices are stored in a 64-bit bitmap, and finding the highest priority task is very trivial.
The job of the scheduler is simple: choose the task on the highest priority list to execute.
Recall that task nice values change the priority of a task (where -20 is the highest priority and 20 is the lowest).
回想一下任务精细值可以更改任务的优先级(这里- 20是最高的优先级,而20是最低的)。
In a global scheduling strategy, all task instances are stored in a single queue and, at any given time, the processors run the instances with the highest priority.
Under preemptive scheduling, the highest priority task executes until it enters the waiting or dead states or a higher priority task comes into existence.
With the priority ceiling Protocol (PCP) method each mutex has a defined priority ceiling, set to that of the highest priority task which USES the mutex.
This is the highest priority runnable task on the system and is the task the scheduler will run.
This is the highest priority runnable task on the system and is the task the scheduler will run.