Based on customer input, highest priority user stories were scheduled at the beginning of the release so we could, therefore, focus our efforts on the most important functions first.
When something obstructs progress on their highest-priority task, they should seamlessly move on to the task with the next highest priority, then return to first one later.
Work on business requirements, rather then blocks of functionality, with the highest-priority item features first.
The most important and highest-priority items are implemented first.
Dynamic sorting: sort and re-sort the backlog so the highest priority stories are on top, or the most current release is displayed first.
In the original Cisco priority queueing feature, which USES the priority-group and priority-list commands, the scheduler always serviced the highest priority queue first.
在原先的Cisco优先级队列特性中,使用priority- group和priority - list命令,排队调度程序总是先处理最高优先级的队列。
Therefore, on most architectures, a find-first-bit-set instruction is used to find the highest priority bit set in one of five 32-bit words (for the 140 priorities).
因此,在大部分体系架构上,会使用一条find - first -bit -set指令在5个32位的字(140个优先级)中哪一位的优先级最高。
Since last June, when I first took office, I have personally placed the highest priority on improving quality over quantity, and I have Shared that direction with our stakeholders.
Under some operating systems, the thread with the highest priority (of those threads that can be executed) is always scheduled to run first.
The highest priority parent (i. e. , the parent most recently added) is checked first, and its respective parents are checked similarly before the lower-priority parents of the Role are checked.
The highest priority parent (i. e. , the parent most recently added) is checked first, and its respective parents are checked similarly before the lower-priority parents of the Role are checked.