It is the largest city in America with a Hispanic majority. Some 60% of its residents are Latino, mostly Mexican-American, and more than 40% speak Spanish at home.
Alvarez wants to see at least one college-educated person in every Hispanic family in America.
Late last year came a significant but little-noticed announcement: probably for the first time, half of all Hispanic children in America were born out of wedlock.
In addition, smaller Numbers of migrant workers from Latin America and the Caribbean have lost construction jobs than native non-Hispanic workers during the US slowdown in 2007-08.
另外,在美国2007- 08年的萧条中失去了建筑业工作岗位的拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的移民工人,少于当地的非西班牙裔移民工人。
In America, Dr Frowd is working with police in Boston to improve the software's ability to deal with Hispanic faces.
In America, being black used to be associated with lower levels of happiness-though the most recent figures suggest that being black or Hispanic is nowadays associated with greater happiness.
Thanks to its large and rapidly rising Hispanic population, Texas is one of only four states in America where “Anglos” (non-Hispanic whites) no longer form the majority.
In March this year an estimated 11.9m people were thought to be living in America without papers, down from 12.4m in 2007, according to the Pew Hispanic Centre.
According to the Pew Hispanic Centre, 27% of Mexicans deported from America in 2010 had been in the country for at least a year, up from 6% in 2005.
Jeffrey Passel, a demographer at the Pew Hispanic Centre, estimates that the number of illegal immigrants in America fell by 500,000 between 2007 and 2008.
皮尤西班牙裔研究中心(Pew Hispanic Centre)的人口学家杰弗里•帕赛尔(JeffreyPassel)预计2007至2008年间美国非法移民的数量下降了50万人。
But as children in America have become heavier, we are now starting to recognize type 2 diabetes in children, especially in children of minority populations, largely African-American and Hispanic.
But as children in America have become heavier, we are now starting to recognize type 2 diabetes in children, especially in children of minority populations, largely African-American and Hispanic.