One or both planes was on fire when it hit the ground and emergency services were sent immediately, he said.
Whether he gets that big hit or not, he runs to first base like his pants are on fire.
Police say the car his was in hit a curb, flipped and caught on fire.
Dave: My favorite part was when Kobe hit 3 straight 3-pointers. He was really on fire.
His reasoning is that everyone will hit a wall early on in the rapid learning stage and that "pre-committing" to 20 hours is a sure-fire way to push through that wall and acquire your new skill.
This paper has proved that base bleed grain initial temperature, which will produce fire deviation and make the hit probability lower, has great effect on the range in theory and experiment.
My clothes on fire, hit the panic button.
With Concentrated Fire, your accuracy to hit any body part in VATS increases slightly with each subsequent hit on that body part.
When I had insurance, I could get hit by a bus or catch on fire, you know? And it wouldn't matter.
"If you put your head out of the window you get a bullet in your head," said Deraawi. "Homes on Yarmouk highway have been destroyed." My home has been hit by machine gun fire.
We just need to get really hot down the stretch and hit the playoffs on fire! ! ! !
We just need to get really hot down the stretch and hit the playoffs on fire! ! ! !