And you'll be blowing in style with this handsometoilet-paper-roll holder on your head.
With that in mind, I listed Hannah as a joint account holder on my Visa card earlier this year.
If she pulls it off, she will make history by becoming the oldest boxing title holder on the planet.
This would be accomplished by moving the engine holder on the top up and down the length of the top rail.
Every time I see Ian Callaghan (record holder on 857) I tell him he must have been counting five-a-sides with Shanks!
A claim is initiated by the policy holder on the Web, or by an LGI Agent in a call center entering the details of the claim.
The invention relates to an egg holder (1) for a refrigerator, comprising at least one housing for at least one egg and a stand means (11) for setting the holder on a surface.
In preparation for the celebration, a straw mat is placed on the table, along with a candle holder with seven candles, one black, three red, and three green.
The Mekong giant catfish is the current record holder based on the catch of a 646-pound specimen in 2005.
Holder said while Americans have largely integrated the workplace during the week, blacks and whites still tend to segregate themselves on weekends.
Wolf, the world-record holder, and Wang came in expecting to battle for the top spot on the podium, having swept all eight 500 races during the World Cup season.
Previous record-holder was "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," which grossed $44.2 million when opening on a Wednesday in July 2007.
While these bee-wearers were impressive, they didn't come close to the current Guinness Book of Record-holder in the category for "most pounds of bees worn on the body."
If you don't have suitable vertical surface, get a file holder that sits on the countertop.
A place holder is when text appears in the input field and when you click on the input field it disappears.
Holder is on an official trip to Australia, which is also considering an inquiry into media ownership laws.
Unveiled on Monday, in Detroit, Michigan, us, the enormous cake - with a whopping circumference of 11ft - was over eight times bigger than the previous record holder.
So shame on Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and all those who spew platitudes about integrity, justice and accountability while allowing war criminals and torturers to walk freely upon the earth.
The steps to becoming a Green Card holder (permanent resident) vary by category and depend on whether you currently live inside or outside the United States.
永久居民被授权可以在美国境内永久性地居住和生活。 作为这一身份的证明,个人被授予的永久居住卡,通常叫做“绿卡”。
When exercising the rights on a negotiable instrument, the holder shall sign it according to legal procedures and present it.
One is a briefcase in which the attached laptop holder is exposed when the case is unzipped. The other is a wheeled carry-on with a removable laptop case.
Senator Robert Casey - considered the most popular Democratic Party office holder in the state and an Obama backer - says he will not predict what will happen when voters go to the polls on Tuesday.
凯西参议员支持奥巴马。 他说,他无法预料星期二选民前往投票时会出现什么情况。
Only applicable to account holder, signature must be the same as the one on the specimen card of your account.
Only applicable to account holder, signature must be the same as the one on the specimen card of your account.