The status of the agent is enabled on the local replica; the server is set to the home mail server and this information is replicated to the server where the agent operates.
The Out of Office agent automatically determines the home mail server of the user, and enables the agent to run on that server. (See the sidebar.)
If you changed the trigger to "After new mail arrives" by default, the agent will only run on your home mail server.
If the AMgr_DisableMailLookup Notes.ini variable is not set, and if the "new mail" agent is set to run on a non-home mail server, the agent will not run.
如果没有设置amgr_disablemaillookupNotes . ini变量,并将“newmail”代理设置为在非主邮件服务器上运行,那么代理将不会运行。
If the AMgr_DisableMailLookup Notes.ini variable is not set, and if the "new mail" agent is set to run on a non-home mail server, the agent will not run.
如果没有设置amgr_disablemaillookupNotes . ini变量,并将“newmail”代理设置为在非主邮件服务器上运行,那么代理将不会运行。