Where and are replaced with the appropriate user home directory path and user name, respectively.
Because your home directory is usually not on your path (and generally should not be), you will need to explicitly provide a path for any executable that you want to run from your home directory.
If you're in some other directory, there's no need to go home first or to type the full directory path. Just use the tilde character.
By default this is the instance owner's home directory in UNIX, or the path on which DB2 was installed in Windows.
If you get a lot of “path not found” messages when you use whereis or which, you might want to makeadditions to the list of directories in the path statement in .cshrc in your home directory.
(如果使用whereis或which时得到大量的"pathnot fount"信息提示,你可能需要在你的home目录中的.cshrc文件中的路径声明里添加相应目录的列表)。
The path is given relative to the repository directory of the Geronimo home directory.
Place the current Google Quick Add development directory path in the calendarEncrypt@devWorks_IBM.com file, which for this example would be: /home/username/calendarEncrypt.
将当前的GoogleQuickAdd开发目录路径放置到 calendarEncrypt@devWorks_IBM.com文件中,在这个示例中是:/home/username/calendarEncrypt。
Now make sure php.exe under the PHP home directory is in your path or specify the full path to it and run the script.
现在,请确保php主目录下的php .exe在您的路径中,或者指定到它的全路经并运行该脚本。
For example, the directory, lpi103-2, that we created in the earlier article was created in my home directory, /home/ian, so its full, or absolute, path is /home/ian/lpi103-2.
例如,我们在早期文章中在我的主目录 /home/ian 中创建的目录lpi103-2,它的完整(即绝对)路径为 /home/ian/lpi103-2。
There is a simple deployment script called appcfg.py the GAE installer should have put in your path (it is in the GAE home directory, if you did not use an installer and simply unzipped the package).
有一个名为appcfg . py的简单部署脚本,GAE安装程序应当已经把它放到路径中(如果未使用安装程序,而只是解压缩了包,则它位于gae主目录中)。
If you omit a destination path name, files are copied to your home directory.
You also need to edit the build.properties file in the root directory of the unzipped sample code download to change the value of the metro-home property to the path to your metro installation.
另外还需要对解压的示例代码下载文件根目录中的build . properties文件进行编辑,将metro - home属性的值改为metro安装目录的路径。
You also need to edit the build.properties file in the root directory of the unzipped sample-code download to change the value of the metro-home property to the path to your metro installation.
您还需要对解压后的示例代码下载根目录下的build . properties文件进行一些编辑,把metro -home属性值改成您的metro安装路径。
You also need to edit the build.properties file in the root directory of the unzipped sample-code download to change the value of the cxf-home property to the path to your CXF installation.
另外还需要对解压的示例代码根目录中的build . properties文件进行编辑,将cxf - home属性的值改为cxf安装目录的路径。
You also need to edit the build.properties file in the root directory of the unzipped sample-code download to change the value of the cxf-home property to the path to your CXF installation.
还需要编辑解压后的示例代码的根目录中的build . properties文件,把cxf - home属性改为cxf的安装路径。
HOMEPATH: Lists the full path of the user's home directory.
HOMEPATH: Lists the full path of the user's home directory.