Home sales are stable and the drop in mortgage rates should help them.
Home sales have tumbled since a home buyer tax credit expired at the end of April, despite mortgage rates falling to record lows.
Most experts say if mortgage rates do go lower, home prices are likely to recover.
If prospective home buyers see mortgage rates under 4% it may touch off a housing revival.
Treasury yields, which influence other credit costs like home mortgage interest rates, tend to rise when the economy is stronger.
Indeed, their financial troubles have already caused problems for would-be home buyers: mortgage rates are up sharply since earlier this year.
Ms Lagarde suggested more aggressive schemes to reduce mortgage principal or help home-owners refinance at lower rates.
One explanation is that the quasi-governmental home-loan banks and mortgage agencies have been lending to bank at rock-bottom rates.
Meanwhile, many struggling homeowners had their mortgage payments reduced by lengthening their loans or reducing interest rates-not by reducing principal to realign their debt with home values.
Low prices and mortgage rates, along with the tax credit for first-time home buyers, have spurred a home-buying bonanza, at least in the low end of the market.
In Ireland and Spain home prices are the most overvalued in the zone; worse, the bulk of mortgages are at variable rates. Elsewhere, most mortgage rates are fixed.
The Federal Reserve, in a move aimed at keeping interest rates low for home buyers through early next year, decided to extend and gradually phase out its purchase of mortgage-backed securities.
美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)决定延长并逐步退出抵押贷款支持证券的购买。此举旨在使较低的利率水平能一直延续到明年初。
But even with mortgage rates near a 50-year low, too many families with solid credit who want to buy a home are being rejected.
Mortgage rates rose this summer as lenders continued to tighten their standards for issuing home loans.
Florida, in particular, has suffered from the housing bust. The state is now staggering under high mortgage foreclosure rates, dropping home prices and slowing population growth.
Most experts say that if mortgage rates do go lower, home prices are likely to recover.
Even small declines in mortgage rates, however, can lead to big savings for potential home buyers.
New home sales are at their highest since 2008, aided by low mortgage rates and an improving job market.
This correlation between home prices and mortgage rates was highly significant, and a far better indicator of rising home prices than the fed-funds rate.
This correlation between home prices and mortgage rates was highly significant, and a far better indicator of rising home prices than the fed-funds rate.