Tafari Assefa now plays his drums in a band at the bar of the Jupiter Hotel, one of the newer establishments in Addis Ababa, the capital.
Her journey home first took her to Chengdu for two days and one night, she rested for a night at a hotel before spending another 14 hours on a train to Yuexi county, Liangshan.
However, I knew there was at least one hotel in a place called Calafat.
“The NYPD need to speak with you about an incident in thecity at a hotel, ” one of the cops told him.
The quilted blankets were bought in India from one of the hotel owners who had a small hand block print studio in one of the rooms they were beautiful and cost next to nothing.
Other transgressors remain in office, including one who booked into a luxury hotel in South Africa and two others who misused their official lodgings.
Tafari Assefa now plays his drums in a band at the bar of the Jupiter Hotel, one of the fancier newer establishments in Addis Ababa, the capital.
The house in Romulus was one of dozens REDC auctioned on March 30th at a hotel in nearby Dearborn.
A single hotel room, if you can find one, will set you back $500-600 a night. A bed in a simple guesthouse costs at least half that.
It was a deluxe hotel. It had only one bed in it but two soldiers. So we slept in the same bed.
I met the woman in a hotel lobby one night after a conference.
I stayed at a hotel one night, and camped another two.
A single hotel room, if you can find one, will set you back $500-600 a night.
But as a manager at one five star hotel explained, that is not the whole story.
I never remember to pack a toothbrush. At every hotel, I go to the front desk to get a new one.
One of our hotel guests complained to me about a spraying showerhead: "I can't get in the shower without getting wet!"
A night’s stay at one of Armani’s 160-room hotel can cost as much as 40, 000 dirhams.
在阿玛尼酒店一晚的消费高达40 000迪拉姆。
One night he stayed at a small hotel near a train station.
I arrived late one night, on a business trip, so I decided to have dinner in the hotel.
What the town lacks in accommodations (”It doesn’t even have a five-star hotel,” one Gulf attorney complained) it makes up for in seafood; its oysters come from oil-free Washington State.
One night in 2004, I found myself at the reception desk of a filthy hotel in Wolverhampton.
At present, the majority of hotel loyalty schemes establish little more than a transactional relationship with customers, one that works only as long as the customer values the benefits.
For over two months, hundreds of thousands of gallons of sewage had been leaking into Australian parks, rivers, and the grounds of a hotel, and no one knew why.
One night a hotel caught fire,and the people who were staying in it ran out in their night clothes.
The flashiest love hotels are found in Osaka, including a Hello Kitty-themed hotel and one with a room featuring a merry-go-round.
I went to one of the hotel branches and asked the manager a few questions and finally got to trading.
Among smartphone owners, more than one-quarter (26 percent) have downloaded a hotel application and have used it primarily to book a room (54 percent).
Among smartphone owners, more than one-quarter (26 percent) have downloaded a hotel application and have used it primarily to book a room (54 percent).