Because the wrappers are quite thin, they dry out within a few hours of opening the package, making them brittle and unusable.
So for the joy of opening a few presents for a couple hours on Christmas day, we're imparting on them consumerist values that will last them a lifetime.
In just a few hours our little camp would be descended upon by dozens, perhaps hundreds, of locals coming to join our celebrations at the opening of the project.
Then she was sure of her, and tasted hours of quiet, sad, delicious happiness; until - perhaps with that perverse expression glimmering from beneath her opening LIDS - little Pearl awoke!
Since the opening of Britain's first high-speed rail link last November, arriving into beautifully restored st Pancras, only two-and-a-quarter hours separate the two.
Many museums have extended opening hours towards the end of the week, giving workers nailed by day to their desks or shopfloors access on Thursday evenings, for example.
Please let me know if it is possible to become a temporary member of the library, together with details of opening hours, fees, etc.
Michael Masterson, author of Ready, Fire, Aim, starts his day by devoting his morning hours to work he needs to get done – BEFORE opening any email.
The director of Marriage Registry Office says they will extend opening hours around Chinese Valentine's Day.
Their proposals include cutting opening hours by 16% and reducing staff and access to documents, some of which will be stored in a Cheshire salt mine.
The opening time of several subway lines will be postponed and closing time moved up for 1-2 hours.
部分地铁的首班车时间推迟了1 -2小时,末班车时间则提前1 - 2小时。
I had to travel three hours on very rural winding country roads in the dark, with steep drop-offs to get there for this opening shot of the day!
The opening hours of pubs, which were previously strictly controlled, have been relaxed and many pubs now serve food as well as drink.
After the opening of high-speed rail, from the "landscape of the world" Guilin to "the best in the world wonders," the Stone Forest just over four hours, a fast line karst boutique tourist line.
The director of marriage Registry office says they will extend opening hours around Chinese Valentine's Day. He hopes this office can be the place where happy marriages begin.
The official took charge of Arsenal's opening game of the season - a 6-1 win at Everton - 24 hours after being told he had the disease.
The snow delayed the opening of the school for two hours.
Please let me know if it is possible for me to become a temporary member of your library, together with details of opening hours, fees, etc.
Mr Zhong of the Fengtai registry said it had extended opening hours to meet the extra demand.
Category set to maintain opening hours: no run-time drivers, elevator arriving to open the door automatically after a certain period of time delay self-closing.
After users register!... Need to wait 24 hours before the opening of membership privileges!
After users register!... Need to wait 24 hours before the opening of membership privileges!