This chakra governs the transference of all records and information of one's personal ascension to Earth's archives and the temple of human ancestry in an ongoing basis.
Dr Mark Shriver, who studies human origins at Penn State University, is interested in ancestry, variations in skin and hair colour, facial features and height.
This is concurrent evolution in human form, whereby all of one's ancestry learns and evolves simultaneously.
Yet two-fifths of Americans still refuse to accept that human beings share a common ancestry with animals, preferring to believe that they were created in their present form in the past 10, 000 years.
As one's future ancestry embodies full consciousness, such a state of being will prevail throughout the human dance.
As he is at pains to point out, this is very much our human tale, our ancestry.
The earliest collection of poems in China- " The Book of Songs " recorded the awakening of humane consciousness . Stressing of ancestry worship in belief system showed the awakening of human subject .
The earliest collection of poems in China- " The Book of Songs " recorded the awakening of humane consciousness . Stressing of ancestry worship in belief system showed the awakening of human subject .