Humidity and Temperature Control Cabinet.
When storing Renaissance oil paintings, museums conform to standards that call for careful control of the surrounding temperature and humidity, with variations confined within narrow margins.
Wireless systems on farmland will measure temperature and humidity and control irrigation systems.
Excessive temperature and humidity will lead to the decrease of the life of the control system components and the increase of the fault.
Is the cleanroom well controlled by temperature, humidity and particles which meet 10k Max. requirement and out of control notification? Review objective evidence.
Although a fog system cannot control or affect all variables, it can have a positive impact by regulating the temperature, humidity and moisture content within the greenhouse.
With microcomputer temperature (humidity) controller, the temperature (humidity) control is precise, stable and reliable.
The total area is of about 30 square meters for the club, and there is no heating source, and it requires the temperature and humidity control, space, and energy saving features.
Mainly on the automatic control system for greenhouse design, on the temperature, humidity, light intensity of the principles and methods of measurement.
Executive body through control air blower or relay of dehumidifier achieve the goal of controlling the temperature and humidity part.
With microcomputer temperature (humidity) controller, the temperature (humidity) control is accurate, stable and reliable.
Is the lay-up done in a clean room with adequate temperature and humidity control?
It provides unparalleled environmental performance in the control of temperature, humidity, air velocity and light intensity.
The solution of wine cellar for a club is equipped with higher requirements for temperature and humidity control, space, and energy saving because of the no heating in the room.
When feeding animals, the control of temperature and humidity in the environment links its quantity of production.
The total area is of about 120 square meters for the private wine cellar, and there is no heating source, and it requires the temperature and humidity control and energy saving features.
Its control is functioned by a wide range of temperature and humidity and pressure sensors located in each room.
Temperature and humidity control object of artificial climate chest is a nonlinear, strong coupling and long time delay system, so its control is difficult.
The solution for private wine cellar is equipped with higher requirements for temperature and humidity control and energy saving because of the no heating in the room.
The heat pump, applied in drying agricultural products, is easy to control the temperature and humidity of the drying working medium to ensure the product quality.
Vibration control system is used in temperature vibration humidity and altitude combined environment test system.
Easy to maintain: clean without having to control the temperature and humidity of the environment.
The results of application show that the device offers good effect on real time environment temperature and humidity control, features high reliability, easy to expand and high accuracy.
Controllers adopt agricultural expert control strategy and fuzzy control technique, so it can adjust temperature and humidity accurately.
The interior temperature of the concrete sample was measured and the temperature and humidity of concrete sample around were controlled by the temperature and humidity control subsystem.
This design implemented to control the temperature and humidity in electrification storeroom with microcomputer.
The dedicated controller for fresh air processor composed of single chip computer is introduced. It controller can offer accurate control for temperature and humidity.
Need to greenhouse environment Temperature and Humidity application that program control, develop one Temperature and Humidity program control system of the MCU.
A temperature and humidity decoupling control method was presented in this paper to resolve the coupling problem between temperature and humidity in air-conditioning variable dew point control system.
A temperature and humidity decoupling control method was presented in this paper to resolve the coupling problem between temperature and humidity in air-conditioning variable dew point control system.