In January, a powerful earthquake struck Haiti. It killed at least two hundred thirty thousand people and left millions of others homeless.
Her column appeared in the Chicago Tribune and about one thousand two hundred other newspapers around the world. Her advice reached tens of millions of people every day.
The countries hardest hit were Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. More than one hundred thousand people are reported dead. Millions of people have been left homeless.
People always lived in dimness to some extent. If a man knew that he would hit the grand prize of a hundred millions in a lottery after half year how would he live through the six months before it?
People always lived in dimness to some extent. If a man knew that he would hit the grand prize of a hundred millions in a lottery after half year, how would he live through the six months before it?
People always lived in dimness to some extent. If a man knew that he would hit the grand prize of a hundred millions in a lottery after half year, how would he live through the six months before it?