This paper proposes a shunt hybrid active filter to suppress harmonic voltage resonances in industrial facilities.
This paper presents a hybrid active filter system, which consisted of shunt active filter and series smoothing reactor.
The result of comparing the hybrid active filter with parallel active filter shows that the capacity of inverter of hyb...
In the basis of determining various strategy, about this proposed parallel hybrid active filter, the DSP hardware and software are designed.
The working principle of novel single-phase RITHAF (Resonant Impendent Type Hybrid Active filter) and its filtering characteristic are analyzed.
According to the practical requirements of power quality compensation for distribution system of enterprise, a compensation system based on shunt injected hybrid active filter is established.
Finally, Experimental validation of the active part of the high power HAPF system and the new hybrid active filter technology is given, verifying the correctness of the related design in this paper.
A novel single-phase hybrid active power filter applied to electrical railway system is proposed.
In this paper, a three phase hybrid power filter composed of a Thyristor Switched filter (TSF) and an Active power filter (APF) is introduced.
Applying feedforward control of harmonic voltage to hybrid active power filter of finite harmonic impedance can restrain line harmonic voltage.
This paper presents a series hybrid active power filter (SHAPF) based on asymmetry cascade multilevel inverter (ACMI) and its control strategy.
This paper presents the performance analysis of a hybrid filter composed of a passive and active filters connected in series.
A series hybrid active power filter for aeronautical variety-frequency power grid is studied.
A novel shunt hybrid active power filter based on controllable impedance is proposed.
Hybrid shunt active power filter (HSAPF) is a kind of harmonics compensating filter consisting of shunt active power filter and conventional LC filters.
The methods of harmonic suppression were introduced, such as adopting passive power filter (PPF), active power filter (APF), hybrid filter and harmonic protective device (HPD).
The basic principles for suppressing the harmonics of the series hybrid active power filter (SHAPF) are analyzed.
The basic principles for suppressing the harmonics of the conventional series hybrid active power filter (SHAPF) are analyzed qualitatively.
Harmonic analysis and elimination system based on hybrid active power filter is proposed in this article to solve the serious problem oi harmonic pollution in power grid.
The circuit structure, control method and system characteristics of the hybrid type series active power filter are discussed.
Digital controllers are the key components of the new injection type hybrid active power filter, and they decide the main functions and indices of the total harmonic eliminating system.
In order to realize the functions of harmonic compensation and voltage regulation for nonlinear loads, a hybrid shunt active power filter is proposed.
The injection branch parameters of the serial resonant injection hybrid active power filter (SRIHAPF) have a great influence on the filtering effect, which few papers focused on.
A full digital control system of the single phase parallel hybrid active power filter for electrified railways is introduced.
This paper introduces a digital control system of series hybrid type active power filter used in single-phase circuit, which employs a DSP processor.
As a new filtering device used in single phase circuit, hybrid type series active power filter is a combined system of shunt passive filter and series active filter.
A novel structure of parallel hybrid active power filter is proposed. lt consists of Passive filter (LC) and active power filter (APF).
Whether the hybrid active power filter could get desirable effects of harmonic suppression depends on the constancy of DC-side voltage besides the correct design of the main circuit.
In view of the topology of the hybrid active power filter with injection circuit, analysis its principle in detail, as well as choice the desirable resonance frequency.
Through analyzing the principle of a parallel hybrid active power filter (HAPF) which is currently suitable for filtering high power harmonic source, a new control approach is proposed.