If I were you, I'd let her cool off a few days before I approach her.
I think I'll hang in Mumbai for a few days (or more) before I head off to Goa and learn to build guitars!
I normally deal with it by taking a few days off and getting some rest.
I needed to take a few days off university to go home and my professor agreed to grant me my request.
A few days off, I feel very tired.
Well, I'm off to the library. I have a paper due in a few days. Have you seen Miss Shaw?
I didn't want to worry him, but a few days later I finally rolled up my pants leg on Ketut Liyer's porch, peeled off the yellowing bandage, and showed my wound to the old medicine man.
I think I need a few days off.
Mr. Block, I need to take a few days off because my parents are coming over to visit.
I mean, we're still a few days off, but it's bank holiday Monday here.
I must spend a few days to clear off all my work.
Eph: (surprised shame) uh, uh, I'm very sorry, moving on such a troublesome issue, I still want to take a few days off, get things done again to go to work.
Before I could kick off for a few days, I had to do a couple of interviews and photo shoots.
Dash it all, I think I'm entitled to a few days off; I've not had a holiday this year yet.
I remember the last festival put a few days off, I really do not know how to spend the few days, so he decided to class a few students to go, I ride a bike, let it roam freely in the broad highway on.
I thought that maybe if I acted crazy he would tell me to take a few days off. So I hung upside down on the ceiling and made funny noises.
I suppose I can put off doing this work for a few days.
Try this for a few days and see if you see the benefits. I did, and now I'm off for a nap!
After 20 days, I will stand on the battlefield, personally decide the fate of a few off of the paper, the hearts of loss, confusion, is all it is so decided it?
It's been good to have a few days off so that I could make a full recovery and now return back to work as strong as ever.
I see. Well, then perhaps they could give me a few days off after a business trip. It was really tiring for me.
Chinese New Year that a few days, I again set off firecrackers and fish, can be happy?
I was shopping for new bikes for them a few days ago and was a little turned off to discover Star Warsthemed bicycles prominently displayed in the store.
I seem to remember him laughing off that topic a few days ago, but it was odd that they did not hold up a uniform at the press conference.
I seem to remember him laughing off that topic a few days ago, but it was odd that they did not hold up a uniform at the press conference.