You know, it is so hard to get into this group, I must have auditioned like ten times since I have been at the school.
Women have an extraordinary clarity. So I thought: if I can get the emotional clarity of women, looking like I do, that might be interesting to watch.
And there are advantages: "I can take my hair off like I did in rehearsal today so it wouldn't get messy."
And I really don't care what your WSFL flow model looks like, I just want to receive a purchase order from you so I can get things rolling.
I could just use add-on battery packs, but I'd also like a replacement battery pack so if my battery begins to deteriorate, I can get a new one.
I don't know about that. I am not so sure. "But then, we realized that like when we walk out that door, it's the whole world again." So you get sucked up by your group, by your sort of identity.
'My parents have been so good to me, I feel like I would be letting them down if I didn't get into an Ivy League school.
Now I would like to show you a few slides, and I might as well cover this up so that we get it very dark in this room.
So yes, I want them to get the soul, but like I said, I'll enjoy this Sam until it's time to say goodbye.
所以,是的,我希望它们能得到Sam的灵魂。但就像我之前说的,我会一直喜欢这个Sam直到和他say goodbye。
When I see how much I can get done in just 10 minutes, I feel like I can do so much.
So they expected me to get good marks at school, but I didn't. I didn't like to study too long.
I plan to study like crazy, so that I can get the grades I need to be admitted to college.
2 - 2我计划要疯狂念书,让自己可以达到考进大学所需的成绩。
So what I want to get straight via this post and the remaining six posts that I intend to do this week, is that guilt and pity are the wrong responses to this photo and others like it.
'My parents have been so good to me, I feel like I would be letting them down if I didn't get into an Ivy League school.'
D-A-V-I-D so when you get a string like D-A-V-I-D, what's really happening is inside your computer's RAM is going a byte where there's some zeros and ones.
I'm offering the authentic London experience — I know this city like the back of my hand so I can give you knowledge that you may not get from staying in a normal hotel room.
But I get so excited about bringing a character to life and imagining what their world is like that I forget to be nervous.
I don't like tests as a learner and I don't like giving tests so much as a teacher but I think in some ways tests have some advantages that you can't get that informaton any other way.
That's why I like Internet so much because I think people can get so much information from academic institutions via the Internet, they don't have to attend a physical class.
I like to get up early so that I can get plenty of fresh air and take some exercise.
"I am like the first person in my city to get into MIT ever so I have become sort of pretty famous," Mr Bhave said.
I must say I…yes I like to be free of her for part of the day …so that I can get the shopping and the housework done .
Let me see, I 'd like to spend my three-week holidays either in May or October so that I can get a cheap holiday.
I like lie in. so I always get up very late at weekend.
I like lie in. so I always get up very late at weekend.