Most of the people I had invited turned up.
She is one of the most fair-minded people I know.
As stories go through the chain of people, they are refined, corrected and sorted out until they come finally to me and I have a chance to read through most stories before I go on the air.
My sister and mom, two of the most beautiful people I know, do not shave.
Years ago, Ben Casnocha mentioned an idea to me that I haven't been able to shake: The people who are most likely to change our minds are the ones we agree with on 98 percent of topics.
Like most working people, I find time or the lack of it, are never ending frustration and an unwinable battle.
Like most working people, I find time or the lack of it, are never-ending frustration and an unwinnable battle.
Another, discussing national politics, said, "I feel like one person can't do that much, and I get the impression most people don't think a group of people can do that much."
Some of the nicest people I know are also the most humble people I know.
On a hot day many years ago my the-middle school daughter Emily, one of the most optimistic people I know, was paddling with me in a cardboard boat race.
My brother Claudio is one of the people I love most.
I think the essence of the answer is that most of the advice you tend to get is from people with a fairly narrow perspective.
But most of all, I thought about the voices of all the people I'd met on the campaign trail.
Probably as most people do, I knew the characters of Alice in Wonderland before I ever read the book.
Most of the people I knew growing up in rural Illinois struggled just like my family did.
So I tried this for a while and of course, like most people that try to meditate for the first time, I was incredibly frustrated.
One of the most successful people I know isn't happy.
I feel that the most important thing is the relationship of the people.
Many of the people whom I most respect have also traveled and lived abroad.
I know most people aren't troubled by the loosening of their information -but I believe that's because most people don't understand it.
I know most people aren't troubled by the loosening of their information - but I believe that's because most people don't understand it.
She grieved deeply, and she still grieves, but she’s also one of the most energetic people I know.
The more interviews I did, the more I noticed that these women were living differently than most of the people I knew who had not been diagnosed with cancer.
They are clearly both full of pain and anger as I am sure most of the people of India are. And, as I can tell you, most of the people of America are, Lieberman said.
利伯曼说:“他们显然充满了痛苦和愤怒,我肯定绝大多数印度人都有同感。 我能告诉你们的是,绝大多数美国人也抱有同样的心情。”
From my experience I can tell that most people today live the second type of life - going with the flow.
The downside is that earning this degree (and I have one) causes most people to develop the hollow arrogance of someone who's never been tested.
But most of the people who I spoke to had real stories of hardship and despair.
I soon sensed crisis after I learned most of people working there, including the driver, had some connection with the chief editor.
And one of the most important lessons I learned is: cut people some slack.
And one of the most important lessons I learned is: cut people some slack.