To me the idea that the positions of the planets and stars could give factual information about how I should live my life seems pretty, well to be polite about it, fanciful.
I know that. Well, maybe they should live together first.
In fact, I should say, everyone needs a certain amount of stress in order to live well.
He refused, as well as the lure of the Czech football. "I should be in contact with Ivan Hasek and Karel Poborským, but I live in Italy, it is then difficult to take any office."
My father left me with the feeling that I had to live for two people, and that if I did it well enough, somehow I could make up for the life he should have had.
父亲给我留下了一种感觉,那就是我必须为两个人活着,如果我干得出色,那就在某种程度上弥补了他本来该有的生活。 年轻的时候,对父亲的回忆总是给我一种生命苦短的感觉。
My father left me with the feeling that I had to live for two people, and that if I did it well enough, somehow I could make up for the life he should have had.
父亲给我留下了一种感觉,那就是我必须为两个人活着,如果我干得出色,那就在某种程度上弥补了他本来该有的生活。 年轻的时候,对父亲的回忆总是给我一种生命苦短的感觉。