I was left alone—in my slippers.
You find your sunshine, I was left alone sad.
So I was left alone to run 26.2 miles to Hopkinton.
When I was left alone, all the ghosts I can remember would come to my mind, especially the ghosts from the Japanese dracula movie.
Because in those days my baby was not with me for my job, I was left alone to work in the mine where far away from my husband and my old mother.
When the reading was over and the poem had been approved I was left alone, why I cannot remember, with a young man who was, I had been told, a school-master.
I told him he was going to have another case of battle fatigue on his hands and lose his last lieutenant if I was left alone in command of the company much longer.
I left them alone, as I felt I was in the way.
When the bullies found out that I was learning judo, they soon left me alone.
ERIKA: What I remember most was when all my bridesmaids left the room, and I was all alone before the ceremony.
I know if it was me alone and people had left me, for sure I should have been playing for Madrid now.
This was beginning to sound like work, so I left the idea alone for a couple of years.
I was gradually being left alone.
Had I known what was going to happen, I would never have left her alone.
So after he left your apartment one time, when I was alone there, I don't know, I'm sorry, I opened up his laptop, and I looked through the browser history.
So ultimately I was left with many hours of alone time.
When I left her alone to prepare dessert, she was not at the table when I came back.
I was at a wedding and my husband was in the bridal party so that left me alone to mingle with strangers or acquaintances I hadn't seen in five years.
When I was young and successful, I was greedy and foolish, and now I'm left with no one, wrinkled and alone.
When I left I was so sure that I was destined to be alone for the rest of my life and then one day I fell from my horse and found Thomas.
"I could have let you go with Jessica and Angela, but I was afraid if you left me alone, I would go looking for them," he admitted in a whisper.
I tried to rub Aunt Mary's shoulders as she spoke, but my right hand was numb, not telling my brain what it was doing, let alone my left hand.
After my friends left and as I was alone in the room, I had this strange, indescribable feeling and I couldn't sleep.
When 3 of the guys left and one was all alone, I seen a complete change in his actions.
Then I was left all alone on the mourners' bench.
I don't think I can bear it, but I'll try, 'thought Amy, as she was left alone with Aunt March.
I don't think I can bear it, but I'll try, 'thought Amy, as she was left alone with Aunt March.