The Igbo used to say that they built their own gods.
If a middleman cheats one Igbo, all the others who buy machinery in Guangdong will soon know about it.
It is a position that he has, broadly, stuck to, although he also points out that some of his best poetry has been first written in Igbo.
He trusts them partly because they are his ethnic kin, but mostly because an Igbo middleman in Guangdong needs to maintain a good reputation.
He is careful to portray the complex, advanced social institutions and artistic traditions of Igbo culture prior to its contact with Europeans.
When he wants to inspect a machine he has seen on the Internet, he asks an agent from his tribe, the Igbo, who lives in China to go and look at it.
When he wants to inspect a machine he has seen on the Internet, he asks an agent from his tribe, the Igbo, who lives in China to go and look at it.