He made some ill-considered remarks about the cost.
Moderation in all things' is ill-considered advice.
He thought little of others, even though ill-considered himself.
A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action.
A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action.
To increase their income Charlotte and her sisters laid ill-considered plans to establish a school.
Perhaps they are, but some of the team's ill-considered actions have raised the hackles of privacy watchdogs and policymakers.
The editorial describes the move as "reckless" and "an ill-considered rush by WHO against the advice of wiser scientific minds".
It would be a grave mistake to add to the forced liquidation currently dislocating markets by ill-considered or punitive regulations.
One wrong word, an ill-considered look, an ill-timed laugh, any of them could provoke his lordship's wroth and cost a man a strip of skin.
At the banks, overconfidence in "risk management" methods (which were mostly worthless) and ill-considered compensation practices were serious contributing causes.
银行对“风险管理”政策(几乎没用)的过于自信和对赔偿措施的考虑不周严重导致了此次危机。 正如列表中显示的那样,此次危机是多重因果的。
The money that a man has, he may be lose. it flies away from him perhaps when he needs it most. a man's reputation may be sacrifice in a moment of ill-considered action.
So, every time a woman breaks a new barrier the rest of us tend to cheer -- even if she's running a pollution-producing company or toting a gun in some ill-considered war.
Failure to consider security can lead to ill-considered decisions from which there is no turning back; retrofitting security after the fact can vary from difficult to nearly impossible.
They grew out of a 'summer holiday' short-term occupancy tradition, characterised by inexpensive construction, cheap and cheerful materials, ill-considered layouts and poor thermal control.
Chantal would have considered it ill-mannered to show surprise.
To look upon firmly in the eye is considered a sign of ill breeding and is felt to be annoying.
Openly displaying annoyance or anger, yelling, arguing loudly and so forth is considered ill-mannered in countries such as Japan.
For good or ill, I am rather widely considered to be a fiery orator.
As transmission of the virus requires close personal contact with an ill or recently deceased patient, the risk to international travellers to Angola is considered to be very low.
The next day my father was extremely ill and we considered taking him to the hospital.
It was considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention.
Thus, victims of mind control are falsely considered mentally ill and get no help since they are not believed and their suffering is doubled by ignorant health professionals.
Terminally ill cancer patients are considered to be immunosuppressed, but the surgical specimens studied in this trial were from patients who expected to be cured by their surgery.
I considered it true that he was ill.
Chantal would have considered it ill - mannered to show surprise.
Chantal would have considered it ill - mannered to show surprise.