Whether it's employees working from home or students taking an instructor-led online (ILO) class, often it is impractical to see the users' screens to help them with difficulties.
有的是在家里工作的员工,有的是参加在线培训课程(instructor - led online,ILO)的学员,所以想通过查看用户的屏幕来帮助他们解决问题通常是不现实的。
Whether it's employees working from home or students taking an instructor-led online (ILO) class, often it is impractical to see the users' screens to help them with difficulties.
有的是在家里工作的员工,有的是参加在线培训课程(instructor - led online,ILO)的学员,所以想通过查看用户的屏幕来帮助他们解决问题通常是不现实的。