The line between information and entertainment has never been as sharp as some intellectuals imagine, and it is becoming increasingly blurred.
You see, Chinese people who go to live entertainment rarely applaud, and the reason is much more complicated than you might imagine.
Oz connected and captivated the audience which ranged from ages 5 to 55. I can't imagine a more intellectually stimulating and pleasing form of entertainment.
"Imagine if you went to Wal-Mart to buy a new DVD player and then found that your DVDs from Best buy didn't work on it," says Mitch Singer, chief technology officer of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
“想象一下,如果你去沃尔玛买新的DVD播放器,然后发现你从百思买那里买的DVD却没法播放”索尼娱乐的首席科技官员Mitch Singer说。
"Imagine if you went to Wal-Mart to buy a new DVD player and then found that your DVDs from Best buy didn't work on it," says Mitch Singer, chief technology officer of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
“想象一下,如果你去沃尔玛买新的DVD播放器,然后发现你从百思买那里买的DVD却没法播放”索尼娱乐的首席科技官员Mitch Singer说。