This seams like an immutable pattern of history.
The new design for tie packaging is to give fresh blood to the sole packaging market at present and the immutable pattern of packaging will eventually die out of the market.
This pattern requires that the value being published be effectively immutable — that its state not change after publication.
Since the existing catalog application is immutable, and the catalog items are largely read-only, this is an ideal candidate for the requester-side caching pattern.
由于现有Catalog应用程序不能修改,而 Catalog项目大部分都是只读的,因此这就非常适合采用请求端缓存模式。
Since the existing catalog application is immutable, and the catalog items are largely read-only, this is an ideal candidate for the requester-side caching pattern.
由于现有Catalog应用程序不能修改,而 Catalog项目大部分都是只读的,因此这就非常适合采用请求端缓存模式。