Make sure that you do your calibration of sensors with the same power supply unit that you intend to use in the field.
It provides a new reliable method for the study of calibration technology in field for laser energy meter.
This device is absolute in the sense that it does not require calibration in a known field of neutrons.
This device is absolute in the sense that it does not require calibration in a known field of neutrons .
Be priority if master the calibration and operation method of current metrology instruments in mechanical field.
In the case of far field sources, based on the subspace direction-finding technique, a new method for active calibration of array shape is presented.
Camera calibration is a basic and crucial problem in the field of robot control with vision feedback.
Self calibration of a camera with a linear model (hereafter called a linear camera) has become one of the major research directions in computer vision field.
The trap based filter radiometer is a key unit of new optical radiometric standard detectors, and has potential applications in radiometric calibration of field, air borne and space borne sensors.
Instrument calibration interval is a topic of long-term research in measurement field.
In the hot spots of robot research field, robot off-line programming is the key of utility of robot technology, and robot vision calibration is the premiss of off-line programming.
This paper introduces a kind of integrative parameter calibration system in the field.
After analyzing the inconvenience of instrument calibration in field at present stage, the author comes forward a new calibration method by simulating high, medium, and low rain intensity.
This article introduce a simple device to check oil viscidity in field, which is of simple structure and easy operation. It also focuses on the operation principle and the scale plates calibration.
The permanent print of a well log made on high-quality paper with appropriate heading information and calibration. Final print is in contrast to field print.
The new equation should be distinguished from the traditional one unless the coefficients in them are obtained by field tests in the fields or model calibration.
In the case of far field sources, based on the subspace direction-finding technique, a new method for active calibration of array shape is presented.
On the foundation of previous research in this field, following aspects are further studied: calibration and precision of the laser scanner of newly developed ACMM.
The calibration with a black body demonstrates that its theory and design are correct and satisfied results have been achieved in the field measuring.
A simple and utility field fast calibration method for the gyroflex strapdown inertial system has been presented in this paper .
The invention can meet the calibration requirement of an ultrasonic measurement system, has small volume and simple operation and is suitable for being used in field test.
The invention can meet the calibration requirement of an ultrasonic measurement system, has small volume and simple operation and is suitable for being used in field test.