I'd never have thought of that in a million years.
In a million words written over 20 years, he captured the full range of human emotions and conflicts with a precision that remains sharp today.
Because of the possibility of one passenger in a million boarding an aircraft with a weapon, the other 999,999 passengers must subject themselves to searches and delays.
One chance in a million, I'm sure.
John was a superstar, a one in a million programmer.
Now you have to find a needle in a million haystacks.
Greater Mumbai takes in a million new residents a year.
You'd never guess in a million billion years. — a jumping rope!
In a million years no one will remember what you did or didn't do.
The setting sun colored the entire beach in a million of shades of yellow, orange and red.
落日的余晖照在沙滩上,各种各样的色彩,黄的、橙的 、红的将沙滩点缀成一幅美丽的油画。
Instead, if it is missing just one message in a million, it can Nack just the missing message.
So there might be one in a million lattice sites occupied, even at the very end of the procedure.
The estimated increase in cancer risk of eating two unwashed pounds is about two chances in a million.
Experimental work shows that about one random peptide in a million can bind to a given molecular target.
Prodigies (those wunderkinds who read at 2 and go to college at 10) are rarer still — like one to two in a million.
I would never, in a million years, take a drug to help me, so why would I wear a suit just to improve my performance?
The average person takes in a million or more calories per year, maintaining within a narrow range over the course of decades.
The teenager survived the strike, the chances of which are just 1 in a million - but with a nasty three-inch long scar on his hand.
Suppose that his estimate is correct, in the sense that the probability of an accident of this magnitude in any year was one in a million.
California's proposed health goal is designed to limit possible cancer risk to just one in a million for those exposed to hexavalent chromium.
Adopted in 1991, it stands for a multiplying factor of one part in a million billion billion (one septillion) parts, which is often written as 1024.
Normally when or 10 years ago, if an astronomer told you that he was making measurements to a precision of five parts in a million, you would just laugh.
John Lennon was sometimes criticized for not practicing what he preached. Like how he sang about imaging no possessions but lived in a million dollar apartment.
Researchers calculate that a man who keeps his weight stable at 175lbs. will take in a million calories a year on average and will alsoexpend a million calories.
After more than ten years of fiddling with their set-up, Dr Hines's team has succeeded in determining that the electron is round to within one part in a million billion.
"[They] work for 20, 25, 30 years and retire, " Sanchez says. "And I think never in a million years did they expect to be in their 50s job-searching and starting all over again."
Stress levels high, my face wore a permanent frown, my mind was in a million different places, and my two youngest kids (3 year old, and 20 months) were quiet in their car seats.
The point being that never in a million years did I expect to find myself talking about the Purpose Of Suffering by talking about God, but something happened that changed all that for me.
The point being that never in a million years did I expect to find myself talking about the Purpose Of Suffering by talking about God, but something happened that changed all that for me.