The boys mother shouted his name in a shrill voice.
'Get up!' said the Queen, in a shrill, loud voice, and the three gardeners instantly jumped up, and began bowing to the King, the Queen, the royal children, and everybody else.
Shouted the audience the shrill voice of joannes de molendino sounding above all the rest and piercing the general uproar like the fife in a charivari at names.
Listen to your own voice-is it shrill or timid? Rehearse speaking in a more confident-sounding voice.
Mother Bear, when she went home, walked backward until she reached the bend in the river road. Even then she stood still for a moment to hear Little Bear singing in his shrill, happy voice.
Don't talk in a high, shrill voice, and avoid nasal tones. Cultivate a chest voice; learn to moderate your tones.
"Not like cats!" cried the Mouse, in a shrill, passionate voice. "Would you like cats if you were me?"
Not like cats! "cried the Mouse in a shrill passionate voice."
Not like cats! "cried the Mouse in a shrill passionate voice."