In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.
A recent Gallup poll suggests that no political group is likely to win an outright majority in the next Salvadoran parliament.
I found a very mixed group of individuals, some of whom I could relate to and others with whom I had very little in common.
You don't have to be the joke teller in the group in order to show your sense of humor.
In 2003, the head of SK Group, a conglomerate, was convicted of illegal share swaps designed to keep the group in family control.
With one of my children, the powerful girl in their group of four friends convinced the others—in second grade—to ditch my daughter at recess.
All that movement makes it hard for predators to see individuals in a large group.
When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing.
Each person was offered a cash reward if they succeeded in persuading the group to pick one or other colour.
They would send messages by field telephone to the code talker in the next group.
To be competitive in winning votes, Whigs and Democrats both had to have significant support among farmers, the largest group in society, and workers.
However, the larger the terrain used to support a group, the harder it is to exploit that terrain while remaining in one place.
Almost everyone in our group has been to the 2nd Digital China Summit.
In New York City, a group of teachers helped to finance the publication of her first book of poetry.
The events business, she said, was crucial to the group in that it provides a constant revenue stream.
A group of senators plans to filibuster a measure that would permit drilling in Alaska.
The group said it continues to hold 1,774,687 shares in the company.
With the blessing of the White House, a group of Democrats in Congress is meeting to find additional budget cuts.
Each group will have the same set of questions, in order to ensure comparability.
There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group.
One person in the group should be prepared to report back to the class on your discussion.
Your job is to group them by letter and put them in numerical order.
"I'm self-employed and need the Internet for my work, but I'm failing to accomplish my work, to take care of my home, to give attention to my children," she wrote in a message sent to the group.
Do you hate that moment when you stand up in front of a group to speak and everybody looks at you?
In one, members of a group were asked simply to repeat words spoken by the caller.
Taking part in some group activities is a good way to strengthen friendships.
I carefully instructed a group of volunteers to promote my book in two different ways.
The girl used to be shy, but is gradually getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.
"It's been postponed until 2017," says Anna Somers, the founder and CEO of The Art Newspaper and the former head of Venice in Peril, a group devoted to restoring Venetian art.
"It's been postponed until 2017," says Anna Somers, the founder and CEO of The Art Newspaper and the former head of Venice in Peril, a group devoted to restoring Venetian art.