A home breaks apart as it is engulfed by Missouri River flood waters in the Hoge Island area of Bismarck, N. D.
The U. n. refugee agency reports 19 percent of Somali refugee children arriving at the Kobe camp in the Dollo Ado area are suffering from severe acute malnutrition.
By using "3414" fertilizer experiment method, the contents of n, p, K and yield of onion in Gaoqiao area were comprehensively analyzed.
The resulted data can meet the requirements of fine structure interpretation and lithologic exploration in terms of resolution and S/N in this area.
The results indicate that the nitrate-N leakage loss under the root zone caused by fertilizer irrigation could creat the pollution of shallow groundwater in Tangshan agricultural area.
The Fuji, Ralls and Golden Delicious of apple varieties, 120 samples were collected from 20 orchards in Yanshan mountain area and the leaf n, p, K contents were analyzed.
RESULTS Shenshao granule significantly improved acute myocardial ischemia in dogs, obviously reduced the infarction area displayed by N-BT staining, decreased CPK, LDH of serum.
结果参芍颗粒可明显缩小犬n BT染色所显示的梗死面积,降低心肌缺血模型犬血清的LDH和CPK。
The major big rift and two groups of the minor rifts approximately pointing to S-N in the area are the main pathway and the main tectonic crack of heat controller for the hydrothermal activity.
It is pointed out that the principal compressive stress direction of tectonic stress field in the area is nearly s - n.
When analyzing and assessing the seismic potential of active faults in an area, we can not simply use the distribution function of earthquakes recurrence intervals given by N.
G ra de-N Division in working area is concluded on the basis of formed combined index, and critical zone alignment is determined according to both combined index feature and single index feature.
If the floor ism meters by n meters, what is the area of the rug, in square meters?
The results shown that the water quality in Red Tide-monitoring Area was on situation of serious super-nutrition and organic pollution and on state of high N and low P;
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Detection of the metabolic rates of N- acetyl-aspartic acid, choline and creatine in lesion area and the contralateral area;
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Detection of the metabolic rates of N- acetyl-aspartic acid, choline and creatine in lesion area and the contralateral area;