At the area of college entrance system, the power game between the different main forces promote a fundamental change in the college entrance system.
To be honest, I was taught in the domestic education system. After graduation, I have been engaged mainly in English teaching associated with College Entrance Examinations.
The "trinity system" will combine candidates' performance in high school evaluation tests, recruitment interviews by the university and the national college entrance exam.
This paper introduces the present situation of computer applications in mark statistics of college entrance examination, and the functions of program system.
The history of the modem college entrance system is not so long, but it is still quite scientific and reasonable in some sense.
In 2003 testing standards are changed, the instructor designed a comprehensive testing system in Basketball and successfully applied it to test in college entrance exam.
The high middle school entrance exam is the second examination system formulated since the reinstitution of college entrance exam in our country, which is carried out in different regions and cities.
The high middle school entrance exam is the second examination system formulated since the reinstitution of college entrance exam in our country, which is carried out in different regions and cities.