The function of ALDH7B7 in the interaction process between blast fungus and rice is discussed.
In the interaction process of surround rocks and support, the roof beam suffers from loading and unloading experience.
Very intense X ray emission, high energy ions and neutrons with energies up to MeV have been produced in the interaction process of ultrashort laser pulses with atomic clusters.
The interaction between models, if any, is specified within {} on the transitions showing side effects in terms of invoking transitions on the business process.
模型间的交互(如果有)在转换上的 {}内指定,显示对业务流程调用转换时的副作用。
In a business process interaction, it's very important to understand and describe the correlation between the message instances.
We will develop the actual class and interaction diagrams later in this process.
In this article, we have provided a single point of reference for each the different interaction styles used by WebSphere Process Server and WebSphere ESB components.
These are typically implemented in long running BPEL process, and may involve human interaction in the form of human Tasks in the process.
The second part of this section gives an overview over the different SI-Buses that are used in an operational WebSphere Process Server environment and how interaction with them takes place.
This means that there needs to be a single parent object to hold both the input and output data structures used in the interaction with the Workflow process.
In their simulations, the researchers found that the interaction between agents' sentiments yielded a price process that could reproduce the main properties of real markets.
A partner may provide services to the process, require services from the process, or participate in a two-way interaction with the process.
In this article, I covered the underpinnings of the default ASP.NET process model, and the interaction between the IIS level code (the ASP.NET ISAPI extension) and the worker process.
As you can see, the primary difference between the budgeting process in a growing company and a large company is the amount of involvement, interaction, and iteration among the senior team.
Traditional real-world order processing scenarios involve human interaction at some point in the process.
For example, invoking a business process to request a quote for a custom passenger aircraft, involving many partners or human interaction in the process, could take days or weeks to complete.
In a business process of insurance say for approving an insurance claim, a user interaction might be required to decide whether the claim is allowed to pay or not.
In a human interaction process portlet, the common use is to claim and complete a task, so the sample Customer Service portlet incorporates this action.
在人工交互流程Portlet中,常见的用法是声明并完成任务,所述示例CustomerService Portlet会合并此操作。
The client may not say a word, but what is occurring is a felt interaction process in which articulation and symbolization is given his feelings.
Let me now trace through these several different kinds of circumstances how in each the interaction process is first curtailed, and how in each the function of felt experiencing is then missing.
When you need to accommodate human interaction in an automated process, this approach reduces the cost of requirements analysis, interface development, and back-end integration.
In sleep there is a great reduction of external stimuli. Dreams occur with this curtailment of the usually ongoing interaction process with the environment.
As shown in figure 7, select the Long-Running process as it involves human interaction.
如图7所示,选择Long - Running流程,因为它包含人机交互。
In terms of process unity such talking and such touching are really the same, in that they both reestablish interaction.
The interaction process between electrons with electromagnetic waves in the fr-ee electron laser (FEL) is analysed and the corresponding gain expression is derived.
Requires no Human Interaction while downloading it can run in background and take care of the process even when you are away from your computer.
In what ever respects it does not function (is structure bound), responses are needed first to reconstitute the interaction process of experiencing in these respects.
In the diving process under the suction, there is an interaction between the bucket foundation structure and groundsill.
In fast reading given no relevant information, interaction information processing method is adopted while keeping the detailed contents of texts through "selecting and storing" process.
In this report, I only focus on the interaction between employers and employees in which age discrimination plays the essential role in the process of human resource management.