These bearings can move in the radial direction.
But the shape became nonuniform in the radial direction.
The results show that microstructure of weld zone greatly changes in the radial direction.
Obtained are the locations of two peaks in the radial direction and the local Nusselt number.
The present invention ensures that the inner tube of the tyre can be pricked in the radial direction by sharp matter.
The simulations show that the length of the stent decreases fast with increasing displacement in the radial direction during the expansion.
In the diffusion process, CO2 would be moving at its initial velocity in the radial direction and freely diffuse in its vertical directions.
With respect of bamboo, bending strength and modulus of rupture increased gradually from inboard bamboo inner place to outboard bamboo skin in the radial direction.
The vibration and sound radiation from a finite stiffened double cylindrical shell driven by a point force on the shell surface in the radial direction are studied in this paper.
It is shown that the "damping" effect mainly exists in the zone of 0.5d from the impingement wall, and there are positive as well as adverse pressure gradient in the radial direction.
表明壁面的“阻尼”影响主要集中在近壁面0 . 5D以内,在径向上流动既有顺压梯度,又有逆压梯度。
This paper discusses the optimum design for laminated plates which can bear the internal pressure and simultaneously the one dimensional and unstable temperature field in the radial direction.
Then this is the component in your direction we call that the radial component which is v cosine theta.
Along the radial direction, from the inside to the outside, in the sample of NDdirection, the direction of grain decreased (010).
Swelling efficiency in vertical direction of compressed direction was the smallest in tangential, the biggest in radial and middle in non standard direction compression.
This paper introduces the structure principle of parallel gear pump in plane, analyses the hydraulic forces and mesh forces in radial direction of driving and driven gear.
A rotor system of the magnetic suspending wind power generator is designed, which is supported with magnetic bearings in radial direction and constrained with mechanical force in axial direction.
When programming with incremental value, in radial direction, the displacement of two times the actual value, and the enclosed said direction signs (omit the positive).
The radial vibration of a thin piezoelectric ceramic disk polarized in the thickness direction is studied.
The equivalent thermal conductivity of oscillating heat pipes in radial and axial direction was presented.
Therefore the maximum of the radial energy during the P-wave arrive appears in the direction of the first singular vector.
In thermoacoustic system, the oscillating heat transfer in regenerator is along the axis direction of the stack and in heat exchanger it is along the radial direction of the tube.
When the bearing rings or washers relative rotation (radial or thrust bearings) or when the rolling elements in rolling direction of movement (linear bearings), the role of the load on the bearings.
The gas atom density exhibits a concave profile in radial direction.
It is shown that, the axis rotates to the radial direction in the orthonormal frame if the gyroscope freely falling along the radial direction.
There are mixed magnetic field system of axial and radial in hybrid stepping motors, and the magnetic field in the gap (or teeth layer)is distributed uneven along the axial direction.
Produced and use of radial tires to replace other tires is the development direction of the industry in our country.
The cable chamber (180) has a range taking in a radial direction of at least about 15 percent.
The displacement functions of infinite soil piece are given as the product of analytical functions in vertical and radial directions and piecewise polynomial in the angular direction.
The compression may be in the axial or radial direction or a combination of both directions.
The compression may be in the axial or radial direction or a combination of both directions.