People in the rural areas live a happier and happier life with the care of the government.
There are also some very amazing statues, many of which follow the theme of life in Egypt, especially in rural areas, but others vary, and include a number of abstract works.
There's in those images, I think, a kind of utopian promise that the familiar, ordinary pleasures of rural life can be recaptured in a new society of plenty.
Besides the love of nature, Cheng had another reason why he loved rural life - he believed in the magic of nature.
And you'll see on your handout two quotations from poems by Hughes, the first, "125th Street," giving us well, here, images of black life in the rural south transposed to Harlem.
Over the decades a Gandhian fondness for - some say idealization of - rural life has also kept people in villages, where the bonds of caste and custom remain strong.
Modern urban citizens are more eager to go back to tradition and ancient life as well as the rural idyllic environment when they get tired of the hustle and bustle of life in city.
Like the French and the British, whose industrial societies have deep (if distant) rural roots, the Japanese have long romanticized life in the countryside.
Looking at concrete high-rise houses in poor rural areas, one may think that the life of farmers has changed.
Lack of access to skilled care and to major obstetric interventions is the prime reason why large Numbers of mothers in rural areas are excluded from life-saving care at childbirth.
In fact, rural migrant workers, as they flood into the city, will meet many difficulties in life, such as social security and their children's schooling. However, the latter remains their top concern.
Even in the context of the bizarre, twisted fairy tale of Michael Jackson's life, the time he spent living in a converted cowshed in rural Ireland shortly before he died takes some believing.
She knew, though, that the lack of clean water was a life-and-death problem in sub-Saharan rural villages.
In rural areas, about 66.9% questioned believe that they would have a better life if they had been born and grown up in urban areas, and the rate reaches 77.2% among those aged 18-30.
农村受访者中,66.9%的人认为,如果他们在城里出生和成长,生活会比现在好,在18岁- 30岁的年轻人中,这一比例更是达到了77.2%。
Life expectancy in its rural communities, half of which have no access to clean water, has fallen to little more than 40 over the past two generations.
And we have this mythical image of how life was in rural areas in the past.
Urban residents often have the illusion that rural life is always leisurely and comfortable. In fact, that may not be the case.
Last year alone, 200 million people moved from rural areas to the cities seeking a better life, and 700 million more are expected in the coming years.
The risk which has been in rural areas includes productive risk, life risk and survival risk.
In short, whether it is the city life or rural life, has its advantages and disadvantages.
Village life is portrayed as sequestered in a bygone age, with farmers trailing water buffalo through postage-stamp paddies and rural labourers trudging home in the twilight from Dickensian factories.
In the movie, the cultural difference between urban and rural life is usually depicted through the perspective of people in modernized city.
Her journal is an important record of the life of a young woman growing up in rural England.
Rural life has changed more in the past 40 years than at any other time.
In my early visits to rural parts of Sichuan, and other parts of China, I was struck by the near absence of wild birds (other than a few species like sparrows and magpies) and animal life.
In my early visits to rural parts of Sichuan, and other parts of China, I was struck by the near absence of wild birds (other than a few species like sparrows and magpies) and animal life.